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Our Story

Our Personal Commitment and Legacy

Inspired by Africa
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Africa //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ Europe


We have been passionate about the beauties of Africa for over ten years

and are now established in the South of France

after having lived for many years in southern Africa


At that time we discovered

the Vaal Region

a majestic river in South Africa steeped in Afrikaner culture

and crossing extraordinary landscapes of which only the African Paradise has the Secret

It was then that we imagined the

'Alain Debauve Manufacture'

From then on we have channeled all our energy to share these wonders around the world


by imagining fantastic creations inspired entirely

by the majestic animals the incredible landscapes of southern Africa

that we have the honor the privilege to discover through regular excursions  fabulous Safaris


We want to imagine these unique pieces in Your House

enhancing your interior  your garden bringing you purity well-being


We discovered Africa for a question of Love the one we have constantly felt for our Woman ten years ago now


She herself fell in love with this continent and it was with her that we left Europe to reach these regions


Our life is currently fully shared between Southern Africa and Europe


Each of our creations is inspired by the depth of feelings of African Nature


Of indisputable quality we make it a point of honor to create shape incomparable pieces

which will constitute a Majestic Legacy

from generation to generation

for Your Family

The Vaal Region
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 The VAAL Region 
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